Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Tattoo Story

This story needed capturing.

I'm sitting on the beach, gazing into the sea....the beach near Dona Paula, and from nowhere at all there's this thought in my head that I want a tattoo.....and what's more, I even knew what.

A wave.

Don't know if it was a connect to the ocean.......a mood triggered by the dona Paula statue visible in the distance.... or just sitting where I was.

That experience in itself was strange. It's like the thought came in from the outside, like it got put there. 

And there it was.

With the thought playing around in my head, I messaged Diksha. And then experienced a mind blowing coincidence. I'm putting here the what's app exchange between us (to be preserved for posterity)

What are the chances right. Of the million trillion possibilities, we'd both thought of 'a wave' in the same moment......telepathy or the universe playing with our minds.....whatever it was, it pretty much sealed it.

And then I'm quickly thinking of what it symbolizes, the cognitive mind kicked in. :)

And the thoughts about a 'wave'......gentle and relentless, wild and calm, dangerous and beautiful,  momentary and's almost  made up of contradictions and paradoxes. And that so resonated.

I went the very same evening....and to the same place I'd got my first tattoo all of ten years back.

Sujata's trying to make conversation, and I'm like shhhhshh....need to focus to handle the pain, and she got this picture :)

I sent diksha this within minutes not realizing that unevenness was drops of blood until she told me  :)

If right now I sound tattoo obsessed, I am........I love the tattoo.

Each time I look at it, which is like a hundred times a day ( as I took Diksha's advise and did it on the side of my wrist) I feel a deeper sense of understanding ....of acceptance .... a wave of new learning (pun intended :)


  1. And I got my second tattoo next day .my dads signature.Not that i would forget him.But to remind me of his strength,commitment and discipline .

  2. That's a wow....and yet another coincidence I guess :)
