Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Art Exhibition - Closing

Vibrations of Colours, the art exhibition with Sujata, has been an incomparable experience for me.

If I thought my purpose and effort was about supporting Sujata through this endeavour, enabling her to make it happen......it turned out to be that, and a lot lot more.

I found my learning and experience enhanced several notches. Spending a week in the company of this group of artists, delving into their lives, their stories, their dreams, their ups, their downs......it allowed me a peep into a whole different world.....and I came away that much more enriched for it.

And what's more, I now have invitations from Malyadri and Sujata to be with them in their exhibitions in Hyderabad and Delhi, which is a woohoo, whether or not I go :)

The closing was a small but austere ceremony, with certificates being given to each of the artists by Shahistha, an avid art collector from Goa. She spoke really well, telling them how after an exhibition people will ask about sales or money but to be able to look beyond that and paint for the love of it, and what it takes to continue being there.

Not radical new thoughts, but nevertheless precious. Considering there's enough and more sceptics and naysayers out there in the world that one encounters on regular basis, any reiteration helps.  And when said with the warmth and conviction that Shahistha did, it helps even more......helps keep the faith, the balance, the passion. A case of repetition does not spoil the prayer.

That said, sales are exciting too ! Sujata sold one on the last day, and so did Raju.

Rest in pictures:

Sujata with her buyer and the painting she sold

A couple of pictures of Kala Academy....though I don't know how I missed the canteen by the lawns next to the river, where we had innumerable coffees :)

Raju with his paintings

A universal favourite, Malyadri's masterpiece. I would have bought it if I could have afforded it, but it was a whopping 2.75 lakh.

A monsoon scene by Chandrababu, another of my favourites

A pretty underwater scene by Pavithra

The other painting which got sold...by Raju

All of these were done by Chandrababu on this trip to Goa,  sitting by the beach.... one of these got sold too.

Press coverage. The NavHind times the most popular local daily

Gomantak Today

Dainik Herald, Goa

 Daily NavPrabha

Sujata receiving her certificate from Shahistha

The closing talk to the intimate artist group by Shahistha

The corner.....if we weren't drinking coffee in the canteen, we were sitting here and chatting up all day

Had to put a closure for myself...... sunset at Kala Academy by the river

Expanding horizons is such a beautiful process of growth.......


  1. Thank you Smitha Devara for this beautiful blog, covering Vasantha Arts Group Goa Edition. Hope this journey continues in our future editions too.

  2. Janakiram, guessing this is you.
    Glad to have been part of Goa edition with Vasantha Arts, you did really well. Congratulations and wishing you all the very best with your future endeavours.
    And thanks for the invite....will be there when I can :)
