Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Made in Heaven

A web series I've heard many a folk say they binge watched. It's nine episodes of an hour each, yet people across the board have done it. It's much talked about. Must mean something.

Watch, and you know is such a bold and sensitive handling of issues that people usually shy away from talking about......issues expected to be kept inside the closet. 

Tara Khanna and Karan Mehra are business partners in a wedding planning company, and through their experiences we see beyond the glitz and glamour of the Indian weddings, it's obsession with social perceptions..... it's hypocrisies, biases and regressive mindsets.

Intertwined into the weddings they execute, are their own stories, so insightfully told. Theirs and a few other most interesting and wonderfully depicted characters. And when I say bold, I mean it not just emotionally, or insightfully, but also graphic bold... like nothing we've seen in indian cinema.

Look deeper, and you see each struggling to break through some form of repression, guess mirroring a large segment of the educated, working and affluent class of society. 

Of all the marriages and relationships, of the ones they plan and the ones they live, the only happy one seems to be of two sixty year olds who are happy to plan a nice wedding, again breaking barriers.

It's not for nothing that it's made waves.

Kudos to the team, the directors, writers and actors ....they were captivatingly brilliant. 

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