Wednesday, May 1, 2019

My May Day Baby

Diksha and I had another of our early morning sessions on the terrace, made all the more special by it being her may day baby

All of 23, and she blew me with this today "Ma, I'm so much like you, it's crazy.......and you're the most spiritually liberated person I know........and I have such a long way to go to get there". True or not another story, but sounded pretty  profound. And psssst....  of course I loved it :)

As always I'm capturing the morning through a song she played, but first a couple of pictures.



The  song she dedicated to today:

 A very very happy birthday deech !!


  1. Diksha

    Initiation into life
    Your birth
    Initiation into living
    Your journey
    Initiation into give
    Your love
    Initiation into oneness
    Your mother
    Initiation into quest
    Your quiet
    Initiation into compassion
    Your  strays
    Initiation into experiment
    Your gigs
    Initiation into emotions
    Your friends
    Bundle of you,Diksha.
    They named you right......

  2. Diksha,
    My wish for you is this life becomes all that you want it too. May ur dreams stay big and u achieve them too. May you never need to carry more than you can hold. And while you are out there getting to where you are getting may your road be paved with joy n happiness.

  3. Wow really spun it into her name so beautifully, and this despite her name not having a clear word translation into English...thanks pal :)

  4. Sujata, for the beautiful and thoughtful words, so sensitively and well articulated, many thanks.... on behalf of Diksha and me :)
