Saturday, May 4, 2019

Dona Paula and more.......

An esoteric experience.

It was a day of so many uncanny 'coincidences' that it felt like being in a whole different vibrational frequency zone.

Plan was to go to Baga, but Sujata got up saying "Smi, have you been to Dona Paula?".

I hadn't. And have wanted to. Coincidence 1 of the day

Added to that, I had on my to visit list, the homestay I'd used on my first solo trip, which meant much and was wondering how and when. Turns out this was close to Dona Paula, so here was my answer - Coincidence 2 

Dona Paula is more a historical landmark than has these two, kind of abstract, wind worn statues, with folklore having several stories around them. One can easily imagine why when we see them ....two mysterious statues standing there, each looking in different directions.... against the wind and sea. It touches something....did feel a deep and profound something.

Rest in pictures:

The Dona Paula mound

Was fascinating to see these women maneuvering themselves around those rocks....looked like they were collecting mussels or some such

The breathtaking scene the other side

So beautiful; picture credit Sahil Sahadevan

The knox statues...picture credit google

A selfie

Sujata, all poised and pretty 

The market all shut down as it is now closed to the public

A spot I love

Oh yes, I forgot to write the rest of the coincidences, guess Dona Paula did that to me.

This was a morning when we both, Sujata and I, also did our own thing......some alone time kinds.

I'm sitting there, gazing into the sea.... thoughts are drifting....times standing still....thinking music, and these songs pinged into my phone just at that very moment. I was stunned at the timing...simply amazing - Coincidence 3

Sitting there is when the thought of a tattoo flashed into my mind, and then messaging with Diksha where we both got the exact same thought of 'a wave' for a tattoo - Coincidence 4

Sujata and I then met up and we're doing breakfast at a restaurant. They have music playing, a westlife number that means much to me - Coincidence 5

And it didn't stop there... it abruptly shifts to old hindi, and in the middle of a sentence I'm asking Sujata " oh my god, yeh gaana yaad hai?". And she's like "school ka time na....we byhearted it word by word and sang it together "..... Chand mera dil from Yaadon Ki Baraat - Coincidence 6

And one of the songs I'd listened to just an earlier, sitting in my spot....also from Yaadon Ki Baaraat - Coincidence 7

Back in Sterling, she's asleep...I'm lying in bed.....I'm thinking something and in a few minutes, almost in semi sleep she responds to my thought without my having uttered a word. A clear clear case of telepathy -  Coincidence 8

I decided to get my tattoo the same evening, and Sujata had planned dinner at Brittos. This was crazy, because Brittos is where I'd got my first tattoo all of ten years back.  I got it done there again - Coincidence 9

Now you know what I mean.

Energy shifts can create magic and miracles........................

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