Tuesday, June 18, 2019

They are really like us !!

This could have been titled 'Gilmore Girls' I guess, or rather my experience with...

For those not familiar, Gilmore Girls is an early 2000's popular and award winning television series, centered around a mother and daughter relationship.  I got introduced to Lorelai and Rory by Sagari, when in Google. She recommended and I tried watching, caught a couple of shows and then let it drop as access wasn't easy (pre netflix, amazon days).

Somewhere in 2010, Sagari gave me one of my best surprises ever......one morning I walk into office to find on my desk all seven seasons, on DVD, along with a note that read:

"now you have no excuses.......and I'm telling you again, you'll relate, they are so like you and diksha"

I watched it....all of it... and I loved it. I saw what Sagari had said about 'relating to it', cause I remember telling Diksha about it, in fact asking her to watch, but she couldn't care less (she was fourteen)

Fast forward ten years

There's a new Netflix production, a one episode sequel, with Loralai and Rory ten years older. (correction from Sagari.....sequel of four episodes, of 90 minutes each :). This one seemed to have caught Diksha's attention. To my utter surprise she started to watch, not just this episode, but the whole series....binge watched all seven seasons. And somewhere in between came up with "sagari was right ma, they are a lot like us" (a statement from ten years back...omg, I was blown)

Was such a wonderful moment....especially so because that mother and daughter share this really beautiful relationship. And to hear it said like this meant much.

Sags, for enabling that moment.....thanks much. And just telling... I still have those DVDs :)

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