Monday, August 28, 2017

The Hindu Metroplus

Coverage of the 'Paint and Wine' in today's Hindu

And there's an interesting story there.

Once the evening was done, and we'd shared the excitement and joy and all of that, the next feeling was that it ought to have been in the papers, especially considering it was likely a first time in city. 

And when we started to make enquiries, which was almost four days after the event, what I heard was that we ought to have done it before the event if we wanted it reported. Common sense I guess, but then there was so much focus on getting the event going that it just hadn't occurred. 

Yet, just based on hope, and the advise of a friend, I called the Hindu Metroplus.  The editor in charge also said the same thing, that we ought to have told them before the event. And then as the conversation went along she said, "anyways, send me a write up and I'll see what I can do"

And imagine my joy when it's in the paper today, picture to boot.

Lesson there....don't give up on an idea until you've done all that you can.....don't let perceived constraints stop you. I love this lesson :)

1 comment:

  1. That is simply amazing! Awesome to see the lovely words on Sujatha and sukrutha akkaiah! Hard to believe she is 81 with her joie de vivre!
