Saturday, August 26, 2017

Mistress of Spices

A movie adapted from a book of like name by Chitra Devi Divakaruni. A fantasy romance kinds. While the storyline was intriguing, and I thought Aishwarya Rai looked simply stunning,  the movie itself, sadly fell flat.

Image result for mistress of spices

Tilo (Aishwarya) an orphan, is trained in the art of harnessing the magical properties of spices. She can use it to heal anything, be it physical or emotional......sandalwood to fade out difficult memories, black cumin to protect against the evil eye and such. In addition, she's a powerful clairvoyant so she uses her ability to max potential.

She has a swanky store in the San Francisco Bay area called 'spice bazaar'. A pretty pretty store. And god, at the cost of repeating myself, she looks amazingly beautiful.

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The magical powers come with rigid rules. She cannot use any of the spices for her own benefit, and she cannot ever touch another person, else there are dire consequences. Well, cupid strikes, and she falls in love with Doug (Dylon McDermott) who has a bike accident outside her store.

The rules kick in. The spices get angry and stop listening to her, and everything around her starts to go wrong. Misfortune strikes those around her as well and she knows she's the cause.

She's conflicted and takes an interesting decision; she decides to spend one night with Doug and then give up her life. She sets herself and the store on fire promising eternal commitment to the spices.

Yet she lives.

Her guru (zohra sehgal) in a vision tells her that because she was willing to give it all up, she can now actually have all that she desires. And the movie has a happily ever after......

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