Tuesday, September 23, 2014


When I was done with the Vipassana course, a friend asked in what way it had impacted me; after all I had devoted ten complete days of my life to it. At that point I could articulate some of my key takeaways; but today I realize that the change runs way deeper than that.  Vipassana in Pali means 'ínsight', and I think that's what it gives you, an insight into life.

For those not familiar; Vipassana is a Buddhist technique of meditation and philosophy that is taught over a ten day intense course. To add the real punch, it is ten days of minimalist living, rigid schedules, strict discipline, and a complete journey inward, with all senses practically shut down. It is a no speaking, no reading, no writing, no eye contact, no music, no communication……..essentially a complete cut off from the world outside to enable a journey within. Most of the day is spent in meditation, more precisely twelve hours. And trust me, it’s bloody tough. Though I went thinking I was fully ready and prepared, there were two days in between when I thought I’d go nuts and wanted to run away. But once it gets you, it’s an amazing journey.

What really distinguishes the course is the shift from theory to the empirical. It’s the most experiential teaching I've seen, where the tenets go from being known to becoming a part of you. Said or written, they would be what we’ve heard or read at some time or the other. Be it the four noble truths or the eight fold path of Buddhism, the mahavakyas of Advaita, the tenets from the Bible, and so many from other religions or great thinkers; they are all extremely cryptic and simplistic sounding. The course helps you understand and absorb.

Each individual experience is unique I’m sure. Apart from the learning, to me, the time there itself enabled some brilliant experiences. It's the moving from the conscious to the subconscious, to the subtler layers of consciousness which basically enables these, like a real surreal :). I had two distinct past life regressions, and both times I went back to the same life, the first time by chance and the second time by intent. (call it subconscious memory or past life). I had one clear out of body experience, which for some reason scared me, so I stopped it too quick. I had another even more scary experience of an eerie nature. I know all this must sound stretched to some of you, but it’s what it is and what your mind is capable of……. what can happen when the mind gets rid of clutter and is in free flow. It’s essentially connecting with other layers of yourself and the universe, be it at the level of the atman or the brahman, the microcosm or the macrocosm, it’s all ultimately the same.

If you want to check it out for yourself, it's here: Vipassana Meditation, the course is available in almost all countries. And if anybody wants to, I'll be happy to talk more about it...... offline :)


  1. Phew .Reading this introduction to vipassana which we have discussed still blew me away. Well written and comes from your inner most self. Keep journeying.

  2. Loved reading your comments. It's truly encouraging too, so thanks. But more than that, I now know I know you, but don't know who, so please tell :)

  3. So, the mystery continues...cos my mountain dweller knowns and my vipassana discussed knowns are pretty much mutually exclusive, so still clueless :)
