Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Surreal

from a day time bus ride; blore to hyd

What do we mean when we say something seems ‘surreal’?

That an experience is one level removed from the normal spectrum that the mind is accustomed to. To draw a parallel to the light spectrum; the human eye can see anything that’s within the range of ‘vibgyor’; the ultra violet and infra red are not visible to the human eye, yet we know they exist. Is a surreal experience similarly beyond grasp of the human mind as we know it and we just don’t have the tools or mechanism to perceive it. Do psychics have a bent of mind or a subtler layer of mind that enables them to reach there? And if we want to, can we also do it? I think yes.

For instance dreams:

When I was talking to a friend about it last month, he was like, leave out your dreams, don’t think about them, just move on. But I was like, why? I actually like them, they are a very unique and individual experience……..just as reading a book, or watching a movie, so why should I be leaving them out? In fact there are times when they are more vivid and intense than wakeful experiences.

I’ve actually been trying to practice lucid dreaming for quite a while now, which enables a level of control on the dream state; different things, like continuity of dreams through those times that you come awake, initiation of the dream, at times an intermingling of thought and dream. It’s very interesting and  I think it’s one way of understanding the surreal or your own subconscious. You should try it if you’re interested, it’s a further step in knowing oneself, plus it’s a lot of fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Your thoughts are Superior
    The way of your thinking is impressing
    Your vision gives Inspiration.....
