Saturday, September 6, 2014

My top 10 learnings

I actually did my exercise from yesterday, and if I had to list out my top ten learnings over the last year or more, this is how they’d read:
  1. Become aware of what matters to you, clarity is key; and keep focus and energy directed accordingly
  2. There’s always opinions out there, learn to listen to your own
  3. Where it matters, over communicate rather than under communicate, it’s a super useful tool
  4. ‘It’s not what you’re saying……’s what I’m hearing’ remember this during any communication
  5. Anger never achieves anything, least of all change
  6. Handle any situation with positivity, even the most sticky or painful  ones, you’ll see an entire energy shift happening
  7. When upset, break it down to what’s actually triggered it, and it becomes that much easier to deal with
  8. Take those risks, do new things, embrace change…….it enables living at multi levels and its brilliant learning too
  9. Acceptance and Space are the best expressions of love
  10. Be nice to people, they are what they are; but don’t ever forget to be nice to yourself too !

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