Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pranic Healing

'Miracles are fantastic events which utilize hidden laws of nature. Most people are unaware of these laws. Miracles do not break the laws of nature; they are actually based on them' - Master Choa Kok Sui

Ones default state of being is happy and healthy……….it’s being in rta….. in harmony.

It is extraneous factors, or at times our reactions to extraneous factors that can upset this harmony or balance. And there will always be these extraneous forces which are acting on you, and which you are quite naturally reacting to also. And that’s what upsets the balance.

So what balance are we talking about?

It’s the energy balance. Today, it’s kind of widely accepted even by science that everything in life is a form of energy, even the physical body is constituted of energy, and is in constant flux. Stress or illness can upset the balance by impacting the body, be it at the physical, mental or emotional level.

Pranic healing is an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana or life energy to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes

Apart from the physical body, we all have an etheric body, it runs through the body, and for about 4 to 5 inches beyond the physical body. It’s what in general parlance is called the aura. It is a subtler form of body and is directly connected to physical health. Alternate systems of medicine essentially focus on healing illnesses through this subtler body.

Indian Rishis, Chinese Taoists and Tibetan monks have practiced various forms of Energy Healing for thousands of years. It was widely practiced in the early civilizations of China, Egypt, and India, and in many other parts of the world.

The practice of Pranic healing in the Hindu tradition is based on the existence of Energy centers or vortexes, the chakras that are documented  in the ‘Yoga Kundalini Upanishad’

Many illnesses are either caused or partially caused due to the malfunctioning of one or more of the Energy Centers. It is said that both the energy body and the visible physical body are so closely related that what affects one affects the other and vice-versa. A certified Urologist who practices pranic healing alongside allopathy said ‘What I have come to learn as a result of studying and practicing Pranic Healing is that stress and negative emotions stored in the body create blockages in the body’s energy systems, and when the body’s healing energy becomes blocked and cannot flow properly, then disease occurs.’

The teaching as we learn it today is what has been developed by master Choa Kok Sui, and is based on some basic principles:
  • The body has an innate ability to repair and heal itself
  • Any illness or disease reveals itself in the subtler body before it manifests in the physical body.
  • Vital Life Energy can be obtained from the air, the sun, the ground and trees, as well as ‘divine energy’ which is received as a result of meditation, prayer and other practices
  • It is possible to transfer energy from one person to another person in many different ways
  • Energy flows where attention is directed.
The course is split into different levels. The first level, which I did earlier this year, teaches you how to absorb prana from the air and how to project it to the patients, more specifically the chakra that is impacted by the illness. It teaches you how to sensitize your hands, how to scan the energy body of the patient, and  how to cleanse, energize and stabilize the energy bodies, with emphasis on doing so without depleting your own energy. It’s an interesting course, and one needs no special inborn healing power or to be a clairvoyant, all it needs is to follow the process with a certain level of discipline, powered by some regular meditation.

It is saod that the transformational technology of Pranic Healing begins to empower and enable a high level of self confidence as you see your immediate ability to produce measurable results. And I can vouch for this, as a week after I did the course, my mother complained of a pain in her knee when I very gingerly and unsurely asked if I could try pranic healing. She said yes, and I did. And I was even more surprised than her, when within minutes she said she had relief from the pain.

From that point you find your patterns of thinking shifting gear, just to become aware that you can alter subtle and even physical matter not only of oneself, but also of others, and make that difference to the world around.

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