Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Resilience of a Butterfly

My balcony seems to be attracting many a winged creature. Its only a few windows that are openable, and once they're in, they don't seem to be able to differentiate between open and closed. In fact you can't blame them, the two on the left which seem open are also closed, just  lighter pane :)

Last week this little bird was in for a whole day, chirping so loud, and flapping around on the glass endlessly. So difficult to watch.  It was a baby bird, and just me entering the balcony was sending it into a tizzy, so I just let it  be......the few hours it took to find it's way out.

And yesterday, it was a little butterfly. I could hear the desperate flapping of its wings against the glass, and try as I might I couldn't get it out. Diksha even tried holding it by its wings to let it out, yet couldn't. In fact evening she messaged from out asking if I'd been able to let it out. I said no, but I couldn't hear it, so it must have gone.

Related image

The wonder of it was, a whole day later, I go out to find it still trying. I was amazed at how it had survived so much flapping, and what it might have had for nourishment through more than twenty four hours. 

This time I was determined to do what it takes, and set about with all the right tools, and was actually  rewarded with seeing it happily fly away. 

The resilience of that delicate and apparently fragile creature is what stood out for me. Learning there for sure.

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