Friday, July 21, 2017

Somethings Gotta Give

An old fashioned romantic comedy, two individuals poles apart in personality, seemingly most unlikely to sync, who yet find a beautiful relationship together. 

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Harry (Jack Nicholson) is an ageing casanova, who has never dated anyone above 30, is clear he doesn't want deeper stuff. Erica (Diane Keaton) is a famous playwright, a divorcee who is happy to have found herself and her independence, sitting totally content in 'relationship retired space'. 

The movie starts with Erica's daughter dating Harry, and bringing him to their beach house, when Erica and her sister walk in. Erica is too worldly wise to even have an opinion on the kind of men  or their age, her daughter is dating. The four decide to anyways stay on the weekend, and do their own thing. Circumstances put Harry and Erica in the beach house by themselves for a few days.

You'd think it should get easier as you grow older, yet it's quite the opposite. There's one moment when you see both Erica and Harry break down and cry, and while it can seem inappropriate, you also see their humanity and vulnerability which was kept nicely hidden behind defences built over the years, and you know it's more real than contrived.

And while Harry is strong on his opinion on why he doesn't want commitment, and Erica is getting prepositioned by the much younger doctor in town (Keanu Reeves), you know from the start that Harry and Erica will fall in love. 

Yet the witticisms, the quirks,  the emotions, the heartbreaks.....all go to make a neat movie. It's smart on conversation, as we see the strong resistance between each.  Like when Harry says 'I have never lied to you, I have always told you some version of the truth', and Erica's like "I was happy in my away from relationship space, these emotions, I don't know how to deal with anymore".

Even after the movie ends, their smiles stay with you, they comes so much from the heart.

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