Saturday, July 8, 2017

Intent ------ Action. The Gap

Baahubali recently, and Beauty and the Beast....and I was just reflecting on which my last movie before these was, when I realized I hadn't seen a single movie in six months. Not even on my laptop. And that took me by total surprise. 

I love watching movies (my kind) and I yet hadn't watched even one for a whole six months. I had to pause to ponder.  Was it the energy invested in the course? And then in the website? Did moving from B'lore to Hyd take away that space? Had I just gotten that busy?

In fact quite the contrary. My time was entirely my own. Not in a job, not in a course, house all set.......I had all the time I wanted.

I'm also wary of the term 'busyness'. Definitely don't want to be slipping into the default kind. I try to keep my days and my time, to the extent possible, at a conscious level. No newspaper and no TV was an aid towards that. No random socializing was again towards that. Lesser spaces of what happens to me, and more spaces of what I make happen to me. The phrase I like to use is 'space that nurtures the spirit'. So how did movies slip out.

That's the gap between intent and action.

There can be loads of energy, and focus on the intent, but if it doesn't translate into action, it's as good as nought. And if this can happen in so much conscious space, I can only imagine how much it can happen on auto pilot.

Reminds me of one of my favourite quotes " Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate" - Carl Jung

It was a wake up call. One that said, even what we want.......needs awareness, needs discipline, needs doing, needs follow up, needs checkins.

The path to getting to where you want to be, or the way of being the way you want to be, needs awareness, conscious awareness.

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