Saturday, September 7, 2019

When anticipation ups the pulse

I've always been a staunch believer in 'anticipation'

Why is that even a statement huh..... isn't it obvious?

Not really. As it becomes an anti thesis of 'Expectation' (as expectations can disappoint) and of 'Surprise' (as it takes away from the wonderful element of surprise).

Guess that's why it's a choice.

And mine is hands down 'anticipation'.  Sure there's a trade off for potential disappointment and nice surprise. A fair enough trade off imho :)

Context for the thought process is a concert I'm going to today. 


I simply love their music. They do renditions of old hindi songs, almost more soulful and minimalistic. There's like a lovely, honest, simple joy to their beautiful.

A couple of their songs for I anticipation :)

When I discovered these songs, I must have heard like a hundred times 

Watch....and Listen  :)

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