Thursday, February 1, 2018

Super Blue Blood Moon Total Eclipse

That's a lot of adjectives attached to one noun (or one moon )

That's why it's supposed to have been a once in 150 years event. ......what's been called a triple whammy !

The 'Blue' is because it's the second of two full moons within the month  - what's called a blue moon
Total because it was a total eclipse, with the moon passing through the umbral region of the earth's shadow
Super because it's a Supermoon, which is the moon being closest to the earth on a full moon
And Blood, no points for's just the way it red as it ever did

The eclipse sighting from Hyd was spectacular, as we had a clear sky and visibility was great through the one and quarter hour period.

My personal bonus was that I wasn't even aware of how big a cosmic event it was, until a friend mentioned it almost when it started, and I could just step onto my terrace. What a treat. Glad and grateful for the moment !

My favouritest moment of the eclipse was when the shadow started to clear, and we saw this startling sliver of light and glow from beneath......... and you know that the shadow will now recede to give us back our dear moon. It beheld much for me.

As it receded

Thanks much for the pictures Ananth. Confession....when they came in last night soon after the eclipse, I didn't open (not a photos or forwards enthusiast). It was an all the more wonderful surprise to see later, and especially to have been privy to the unedited versions. The pluses of having a photographer friend...also just to know I can use a friends pictures rather than search Google...feels good :)

Great job on the pictures Ananth !!

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