Sunday, February 11, 2018

1000 th Post

Why miss an opportunity to call out,  why let go of a moment that matters, why miss a chance to say thanks.

I just realized I'd done my 1000 th post, and I couldn't but pause to reflect.

What started August of 2014, from a perhaps casual and in retrospect, providential conversation. I was in a district bus, on the road from Mandya to Bangalore. It was my first week at SELCO, and I was out on a visit to one of their installations near Mandya. I was so taken in and amazed by the work they were doing, and I was telling a friend about it. 

He said "you sound so excited, and it's so momentous, you should write about it....better still, why not start a blog".

I was like, "me? and write publicly? no way, what would I write"

He said "You could write about anything, maybe your experiences with SELCO, just start, and try to maybe do one post a week".

The seed was sown.

I got home and wrote about that visit. I sent him a draft. He said "looks great, right from the heart, go ahead, post it". 

Not a single correction. 

I now know it was not one of my better written posts, it was sketchy, no pictures, no formatting......but I know I owe my biggest thanks there. A single word of criticism, or even suggestion might have derailed it for me...I would have set it aside. I doubt I would have ever got back there. I was that scared.

Today I convey my deepest gratitude..... for enabling me to embark on one of my life's dearest and most cherished of journeys.

The blog has become not just my favouritest means of expression, but also my connect into myself. Thanks pal !


  1. What a 1000 step journey it was..I am sure the next 1000 posts would be even more insightful, explorative and expressive. 

    1. Thanks Kiran....nice choice of words..insightful, explorative and expressive..sure feels good :)

  2. Congrats.Hoping to see some of the insightful posts and comments soon in print.

    1. Thanks Girija.....And I know you've been saying 'print' for over ten years now and it's wonderful to see the faith, but looks like the blog is my calling. Will be happy if I can keep this going :)
