Friday, August 5, 2016

When Technology Messed With Me

I'm a huge fan of technology. Despite all the critique it throws up, despite the issues on privacy, and social networks, and security, and a ton of others.......what it enables and empowers, especially in terms of a knowledge equalizer, is what stands out for me. I find myself at the receiving end of many an argument on it on Google, Kindle or Pokemon Go.

Today I found myself at the direct receiving end :)

The simplest technology I used, Google Calendar. When my counselling course began back in May, I'd set my calendar dates for rest of year.....I'd set it for Friday and Saturday to repeat every two weeks. And where had I erred? What now seems like a very basic mistake, ( hindsight is better than foresight :)  for a schedule of every second and fourth Saturday, I'd set to every second week.

July came with five weekends, and there my calendar schedule went for a full toss. 

I realized this when I walked into Parivarthan this morning, only to realize we had the session next week and not this.

First I just felt foolish...and soon my heart sank.  Not because I'd driven all the way, or skipped my walk, or needed to co-ordinate the cook, or such, but because Girija and I had a trip planned for next weekend, a trip to Tanjore.

This was a trip which was first thought of almost a couple of years back, and was just marinating since. Last month it started getting real, when we realized that my stay in Bangalore now had a real timeline. It slowly picked up traction, and just yesterday she had all the bookings done, the train, the bus, the hotel,  and all after a lot of discussion and back and forth. ( Girija did every little bit of it, just adding to my guilt).

So imagine my plight when I realized how the dates were screwed up. 

I toyed with the idea of skipping class, but it's two full days and so heavy in content that I couldn't afford to. In fact when the course began we were told to make sure no family weddings were fixed on these dates, like that pertinent. So that as an option had to get ruled out.

The only option left was to cancel the trip, and handle the disappointment, and all the other emotions it threw up.

One clear lesson to me; whatever support system you choose, be it technology, a process, an idea, a place, a person....also keep your own eyes and ears open....does the ownership and control lie there or with you........ Awareness at all times :)

And to Girija.... the disappointment is shared.... the guilt and apologies all mine :(


  1. Aww come on. Neither me not Tanjavur is going anywhere.if we are destined to go it will happen.

  2. That's a pal...thanks for understanding. Destiny, or not and all I don't know....but we'll make it happen :)
