Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Upper Limits

An interesting read  I came across in 'Insights from the edge'

Breaking through Upper Limits

It's kind of misleading.....'Upper Limits' are about both ends of they the depth of pain and despair, or the stretch of courage and growth.

They say it's when you hit that depth of pain and despair, where we think "I can't take it anymore", life will typically give you a couple more layers down and it's only then that you'll actually hit  absolute bottom.  That's when you will break....when your old self will actually shatter........and that becomes a turning point. A point from where we will start to be reborn.

The same works the other way.

As we learn to open our heart and receive life's goodness,  where we're allowing opportunity in, we're allowing more love, we're allowing more joy into our life....... we then hit an upper limit where we genuinely don't know how to allow more goodness in, or more we often sabotage ourselves.

We can rock the boat in a relationship, or we can quit a job that's just starting to break through to the good points, or do things that are just our old self's patterns, because we really have reached that place where you think, "I don't know how......."

and it's not conscious

At that point it's about recognizing the sabotage, and being able to hold that space....and maybe say to ourselves "No, no, no. maybe, I am not ready for the next step, but I am not going back down there."

You stay in that space, allowing the joy to flow through...staying committed to joy...... and then, sure enough, before long, you will take another step up into some unknown area that leads to further joy.

The Upper Limits stretch..... By Choice. Good to be aware :)

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