Saturday, August 3, 2019

Starbucks ...or Chutneys ?!?

It's quite amazing how over the last few months, three times I was meeting up with old friends, the venue of choice was Starbucks.

All different people mind you.

The first two times I went quietly......thought being 'why resist when they're suggesting'.

Yesterday though, when I got an "you good with Starbucks at 5?" I was like "yeah ok, but my personal preference is desi coffee over idly, rather than a cappuccino over muffin.... let me know"

And I got back a big smiley with "Idly wada dipped in Sambar and Coffee it is"

I could almost see the joy in the message...... and definitely felt it my end.

Then why...wonder why Starbucks comes to mind first. Think about it. It's like it becomes default, and then anything that becomes default, takes energy to change.

Starbucks and idly and coffee is just symbolic. Default is just about everywhere...they're such subtle expectations that we can so easily miss them. How much of life do we yield into default expectations....and then wonder why we're not deep down happy.

If you like idli and coffee.......helps to not just know it, and then to also be able to own it :)

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