Friday, February 15, 2019

Writing to Typewriting

This morning, I had an article titled 'Five Brilliant Writers and Their Advice to You" in my inbox........and I sat down to put some excerpts here. 

Well.......I found my mind unwilling to move beyond the picture .....the picture of this typewriter.  

Whooosh.....there was a memory onslaught !

It's so true that memories are stacked together in some fascinating order, cause once that thought process seemed to just go on :)

I had visuals of dad's typewriter at home, and how it was so important that it would be kept covered , and how I'd need permission to use it. How for a period it had a key ( p) missing, and it had set me off on "you're missing your p's (and not q's) daddy".

Then at work.........guess what, we had one typewriter and one typist for the entire office. I'm talking a pretty large office here, but that was how it was, a specialized job. Once we had our letter ready, we'd have to put it in his tray and wait for his time and grace, and it could be anything like a day to three before it was typed and back on our table. That was the pace of life. 

And what's amazing, we had typewriting institutes that taught us how to type. I actually went one college summer. Did the course, not like I wanted to be a typist, but I just loved the typewriter, so I went.  

The sheer joy of that clickety clack click of the keys.....the kkrrrrr kkrrrr of the line change mechanism....don't know if it was as wonderful then, but the recall of it now sure feels such a joy :)

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