Thursday, February 7, 2019

Connect the dots

This is one line of Steve Jobs that has stayed in my mind: "connect the dots"

He spoke of how the dots connect in retrospect. He gave the example of a calligraphy class he'd taken long ago when he was drifting...... and how that eventually led to the types of fonts that we now have on our computers. (I forget how he's responsible and not Bill Gates, but it's there somewhere :)

It's so true.... if you can connect the dots (in retrospect) to see that larger picture that emerges, it's a fascinating process, and you'll see an oh-so-beautiful picture emerge.

This comes to mind today because I've just started on an internship in Clinical Psychology, which was nowhere on the horizon even just a couple months back.......and it's this whole amazing opportunity and just such an exciting space to be in.

I couldn't help but connect the dots that led to this.

They are all just so so disparate. I'd say they happen when you tune into yourself, listen to those whisperings, articulate them, want them. It's actually like that connect the dots game we'd play as children, not linear, and so seemingly random. Definitely  not the default settings.

That's what I mean by saying we need to be tuned in.....need to catch the quiverings of the radar, be able to own that alternate route ...... and then have what it takes to walk that path. It will likely be an off the trodden it does take that extra something.

That extra something will involve listening, decision making, courage, process, effort, conviction.....a little bit of all of those and more :)

But find it in yourself and you'll see not just doors open, but whole new vistas beckon.

I so agree, it has made all the difference in my life too :)

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