Sunday, February 10, 2019

A 'tuned in' conversation with Diksha

done sunday lunch....we're both standing in the balcony and looking outward

there's almost ten minutes of absolute, comfortable silence... and then I break it to say:

"this money plant in the bottle here...I changed it's water this morning, after a longish while, and found it's roots have grown this long.....almost two feet long "

Diksha: hmmm...

Me: that's really long, and it was all squished within the bottle, so I gave it like a hair cut, gave it space to breath kinds

Diksha: hmmm....

Me: and what's funny is, there's not been one new leaf in over two months

Diksha: hmmm....

Me: Strange no, it's like it's growing one way and forgotten to grow the other

Diksha: hmmm....

(and I started laughing)

Diksha: Is that like your update for the day... your highlight of the day, or is it a cover up?

Me: sharp catch .... no, I've done two sessions, plus likely had one of my most intense conversations yet

Diksha: the money plant is not for no reason ma.....when you hit bottom, there's only one other way to go....and that's 'up'

I find myself just staring at her open mouthed......

and she's like  "cha, I'm becoming more and more like you "

I could only smile........after all metaphors are one of my favorite routes to aha's :)

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