Friday, February 8, 2019

Quote I’m pondering

“Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” — Maya Angelou

Why I'm even putting this quote here is because of a quirky, though interesting observation.

Last week I'd done a post titled "Courage". Today when I opened my analytics page I was kind of surprised to see that it stood out .....

Stood out for 'least read' post; So much so it caught my attention.

And I believe it's saying something.

Are we even afraid to know about 'courage'? Does it become a call to action which we are happy to look the other side of? Does it take energy which we believe we don't have?

And then this quote of Mary Angelou becomes even more relevant.

What are all the other values we are compromising by our unwillingness to get to that space of courage. 

Courage is an's the 'how' we live life. It's what contributes to the quality of life we lead, living by our values....our feelings, our in integrity.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful topic.

    Most people are afraid of the word courage .

    As u rightly said courage is an attitude should make use of it at the right time .
