Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Mary Poppins Returns

Couple days back when Diksha said "Ma, I want to go see Mary Poppins, want to come?", I was just so excited. I didn't know there was a 'Mary Poppins Returns' in town.

I roped in Dhruva as well, and said for old times sake we should all go.  They remember their ammamma getting them the video cassette of the movie from the US, and the the three of us likely having watched Mary Poppins on the DVD player maybe thirty to forty times. 

We each had our own favourite song recall from the movie, it was that etched in memory. Every time the children had to take a medicine I had a 'spoonful of sugar' humming, and I sometimes do even now with Diksha :)

It didn't disappoint. It's a totally new movie, and not a remake. Yet they did pretty much the same story with Mary Poppins visiting the same house on 17, cherry tree lane, just with the next generation.   Michael Banks, back then around ten years of age, twenty years later is now a widower, in debt and at the risk of losing his home. His sister Jane yet the more practical one is  helping bring up his three kids, and hopefully save the house.

Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins was brilliant, and until I saw her, that first few seconds landing in the grass on a kite, I was a little skeptical at seeing anyone but Julie Andrews in that role. Old London was brought out as beautifully.... lamp lighters, chimney sweepers and all...the first film was set in 1910, this one is 1930.

Meryl Streep as Topsy, a cousin of Mary Poppins, was super cute....a very gypsyish person whose entire world turns upside down every second Wednesday. What a cute concept.

Every song was plugged into very similar sequence, each equally beautifully choreographed, though I wished they had some clips of the old songs.....enough to have me back home and onto you tube :)

Overall a thoroughly enjoyable experience, as full of nostalgia as presence !

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