Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Did it at last !

The lovely feeling one gets when there's something gotten done.....that's not urgent....not necessarily even important....but just that little something that's nagging.... and sticky....and unsure

I had one such experience today:

This last month or so, there's this lady who drives by our road every morning, pulls over opposite our building and honks....likely a car pooling pick up.

She'll come in her fancy sun roofed car, and honk....and honk again....honk, honk, honk...again and again and again. Trust me that horn is as powerful as that car. It's bloody loud.

Each time, it stuns me......intrudes on the quiet, intrudes into thought. Sometimes I'll just wait for it to end....sometimes I'll get up and go to the window, but she has her glass rolled up and I can only retreat.

I vented to Diksha the other day, telling her just how insensitive it was and how annoying, and how I was wanting to complain, but wasn't sure. Diksha was like "you totally should ma, isn't that what you've told us.... to do the right thing... how does it change if it's a little thing ?"

Armed with that moral support, when it happened this morning, I did more than just get annoyed, I called our watchman and asked him to go knock on the car window, and get her to look up.

"I have a request.....can you please use your cell phone rather than honk, your honking sounds like it's for the entire colony"

That's all it took ....... did it at last ....... that feeling that can make you dance a jig :)

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