Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Quote I'm Pondering

“Those who do not weep, do not see.” Victor Hugo

The more I think about it, the more profound I find it. 

This one I came across today in Tim Ferris's (of the Tribe of Mentors fame) weekly mail. In fact I  subscribe to it more for the quote he picks than anything else, as I find them nicely thought provoking.

This quote becomes profound from two angles:
one - how significantly it expands the scope of life experience, and ironically,
two - how much we are restrained from being there

Our deepest connections, our deepest joys, sorrows, fears, successes and failures.......they are all emotions. They are experienced in the space of feelings. And the more you tune in .... the more you nurture them, the more they expand experience.

The source for each is the same..........joys and sorrows, tenderness and vulnerability, achievement and failure....are all felt in the same space.

You limit one, you limit the other.

The expectation seems to be that you can feel joy, express joy........but not the other sticky feelings. Expectation seems to say (be it societal norms... our own near ones, and funnily enough, from self as well) that we 'shouldn't feel sorrow' 'shouldn't cry', or worse, you'll hear..... 'don't be a sissy' 'how weak are you' 'boys don't cry' 'how can an adult cry'. It's stifled right through.

We talk about finding ones passion.....but somehow seem to believe it has to give us only joy. How does one draw the line between passion for things we do, but not for the connections we make.....for the nice and positive emotions, but not for the intense and difficult ones. We want to get picky. Uh ..uh....not happening.

It's a package deal. Connect in. Embrace the feeling.

The mantra  is 'feelings, thoughts and actions aligned'.........the space of integrity.

And what's beautiful is that this alignment enables the deepest peace and's what can be called true happiness, the one that comes from finding meaning and flow.

Carl Jung says it best: "if you're not in touch with your inner emotions, it's like having a colour television, and watching it in black and white".

or Kahlil Gibran - "weep all your tears, to laugh all your laughter"

and even Sadhguru today - "there is no substitute for involvement, where there is no involvement, there is no life"

Let's embrace that - get in touch with our selves, our full full selves

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