Friday, August 10, 2018

Soaring Back To Hawaii

Back in Hyd....and I'm realizing that while one part of me is back in Hyd, there's another that's still on the trip :)

I was up real early this morning, and when I sat down to write about the experiences in Los Angeles, I instead found myself going back and rereading the many posts on Hawaii.....reliving the experience, seeing how, despite writing everyday, there's so much more to it that needs come in.....and surely worth doing, for posterity and 'feel'.

A moment to pause and be absolutely grateful for the blog..... it's what enables capturing the meaning and story at a whole different that to me is way beyond browsing pictures or what memory can hold. 

It's about going a couple levels deeper into moments, and creating stories that last.

An instance in example:

As I was reading this morning, kamlesh aunty called, and we were sharing experiences from the trip.....and then  she asks about my what's app display picture (the one below), and from nowhere I find myself telling her "that's the feel of the hour, the symbolic wings that are enabling me to yet soar" ...

And then soar I multiple places at the same your backyard gazing at the river and the sunrise and the ocean, with Nammu on the many many drives we did, us learning poker under Tejas's disciplined and no nonsense hands, with uncle hearing his gentle yet persistent invite to food and wine, with Bablu in those intense discussions which so kept me on my toes, hearing Surya and Seneka calling 'athaa', and with you in a hug that brought out so many tears....of joy, of sorrow, of connect, of love....

A present moment which has expanded to encompass so much. And that's how a single picture now tells of a whole new story :)

1 comment:

  1. Read thro all in one go. Reads like a novel. Kept the interest till the end.
    Now I have to add this on my bucket list. Will make it someday. Have to do it when I'm in the pink of health and able to carry all my photographic gear.
    I was thinking that the 10*64 GB cards that I have is more than sufficient for any trip. But after seeing the beautiful pictures you have captured, I have to carry my laptop to transfer, a real treat for the photographers.
