Monday, July 25, 2016

Why Showing Vulnerability Actually Proves Your Strength

A write up from Lifehack which so well resonated :

"There was a time when I would never shed a tear. There was a time when I would never let on that I felt fear. If something bad in life happened, I would show my face with the biggest smile, and nobody would know about it. If they did, nobody would realize that it even bothered me. I would be that bubbly, outgoing personality that everyone knew. I was tough. No one and nothing could break me. I didn’t need any one and I could look after myself. Why? Because I was strong. Nowadays, I look back at that girl I once was and realize just how wrong I was.

Pain. We have all felt it in some shape or form. There are two types of pain: physical and emotional. Both are completely different from each other yet so similar, both can leave us vulnerable.

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Vulnerable

There are numerous ways we can be made vulnerable. For example, when you are going through something significant, like a break up, job loss or even a death? Everyone goes through these things. It’s a part of life. 

Fear. We all know this is the one factor that can stop us from achieving our goals. We read about it, we hear about it, and we know about it subconsciously. Why would we want to be vulnerable and put ourselves out there when we can just happily keep doing whatever it is that we are doing and be perfectly just fine. It’s comfortable, right?

Most of us have heard of the old sayings, 'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone', and, 'A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there'. However, take a moment and really think about this. Why would these be famous sayings if there wasn’t any truth to them? 

Dealing With Struggles

So, you just got fired, you just got dumped, or someone close to you has passed away. You don’t have to tell the world (every one you meet) your problems, but by the same token, you most certainly don’t have to hold it all in and suffer in silence. One of the best things about friendship is that true friends will be there for you. There are people out there that want to see you happy.

Vulnerability = Strength

I believe putting yourself out there, taking that leap, and showing vulnerability takes a lot more courage and strength than to keep quiet and do nothing. It is a sign of strength when you can accept that you are in pain and and are struggling to handle things.  It shows strength when you can swallow your pride and ask for help. It takes courage to open your heart and let someone in. 

Risk it! Put yourself out there, chase your dreams, and allow yourself to fall in love. Being vulnerable and stepping outside of your comfort zone could very well be the best thing you could ever do."

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