Friday, October 16, 2015

Not Sorry....Interesting Ad

Apparently there's statistical proof that women apologize more frequently than men. Didn't find it difficult to believe at all.

I'd like to think this is less about subservience and more about maturity and empathy. 

I know for a fact that when there's something gone wrong, women are normally quicker to apologize, and I think it's just about being less stuck on ego. I don't see it as a sign of weakness. But then,  this ad specifically bring out moments where women apologize when they’re not in the wrong.

And for explanation I read: 

"It could apparently be the penchant many women have for assuming the blame when things go wrong, while crediting circumstance—or other people—for their successes. (Men seem to do the opposite.) One way women tend to assume blame is  by over-apologizing."

And that's what this ad brings out. Pantene does a great job of it. Their ad on the Gender Bias was a specially brilliant one too. Way to go Pantene !

1 comment:

  1. So awesome... and so true... I have a contrary opinion. I think we genuinely are apologetic. It is not about maturity as much as conditioning. We feel that we are in a man's world and we need to apologise to get acceptance and not get a fight. Women have been told for so long that the men are superior that it is almost a struggle to remember that they can be equal. That is where the apology cones from.." intruding into your world.. but please let me" ... that is the way I feel right now atleast...
