Monday, October 19, 2015


I've had the tantalizing lure of a kindle before me for a while now. 

But then, how does one get over the attachment to paper backs? 

The feel of the paper, the look of the book, the smell of the books, the dog ears ( I still do dog ears), visual feel of knowing how far you've got, the sadness of seeing a book reaching it's end........just the energy that books give. 

But then this friend has been pushing me to get one, other friends throwing the pluses at me, in fact Kiran said he's already got a list of e-books for me.

It's like a conspiracy, I saw this advt, and then Amazon sends me this mail with a great discount offer.

Somewhere along the way I started getting interested at the possibilities, at something new, something I might potentially grow to enjoy, and viola, it's happening....... and now I'm super excited.

I'll of course be totally loyal to paperbacks, too much in love there....just my book shelf is a source of wonderful nice energy to me, but I'm rewiring to kindle too. Let's see how that goes.

Watch the's quite nice. Loved that it celebrates not just the joy of reading, but also of story telling.

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