Saturday, October 7, 2017

Vermont Again !

When we think leaf, we think green...Vermont so defies that

Vermont state claims to have the best foliage on the planet. You can almost believe that.

Onto the Von Trapp story.

When the Captain, Maria and the children escape, end of movie...what happens next? I read her autobiography to know. Not now but years ago, that's how much the movie took me over that phase.

Well, they flee through Italy and onto the US and settle in a farmhouse in the hills of Vermont. Maria thought it best reminded her of the hills of Austria. There, in 1949 Maria wrote her autobiography and  the movie 'The Sound of Music' was based on her autobiography. She was in fact regularly consulted during its production.

Seventy years later, the farm they lived in has been replaced by a country inn called 'The Von Trapp Lodge' which is currently run by their descendants, yet offering some of Austria. The menu offers Schnitzel with spätzle (egg noodle) and apfelstrudel. Those who might have watched the movie as many times as I did will immediately get to mind:

Rain drops on roses ...and whiskers on kittens
Doorbells and sleighbells ...and Shnitzel with noodles
these are a few of my favourite things...

That could easily be my most sung song can lift my spirits even today. Here's link if you feel like a listen ( I did :): My favourite things...

And not to not mention that the movie has a couple of my most favourite romantic moments ever.

Nammu thought I matched that scarecrow pretty well, so she made me pose. I remember her saying "smitha, you should just come and stay here.....I haven't laughed as much in so so long". That's how much fun the trip was. We just went back to being two giggling schoolgirls I'd think.

Nammu, maybe I'll really come ......the rediscover a day has surely ignited more than just memories :)

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