Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Funny.... or.... Scary

Brings a smile for sure.

And a deep down fear too right?

Traffic is tough in many large cities, but I don't blame this guy for saying 'It happens only in Bangalore'. I've so often taken over two hours for whats otherwise a twenty minute stretch, in Bangalore. (Hyderabad is heaven after Bangalore)

I'd say GPS is here working literally and metaphorically.

It's not just showing you the way literally, by road and map, but also telling you the big picture of where things are headed, it's like a tipping point. 

On a recent podcast I heard this guy say that parenting should be like a GPS, show the way, give the options, be there to say you might be taking the longer route, indicate traffic jams and obstacles.......but not controlling, not insisting....best of all not pointing error. Just puts out all the options, and lets the choice remain with the driver.

Here it's also pointing out the bigger picture. Showing long term direction.

Are we listening ?

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