Sunday, November 8, 2015

Kindle - A Beginning

I was waiting for Sunday for initiation into the Kindle. (it was sitting in its cover a few days now)

So, Saturday morning I put it to charge before going to work, as all these new age instruments need an eight hour first charge, and I didn't want to start and realize I was falling short on charge. Saying how it was all planned and stuff.

Saturday evening was slotted for uploading books which, as promised, Kiran sent me. He asked if I had a wishlist, and I was like.....  you pick and send. I was expecting around three to four books, but I hit bumper, he sent me a long list of over twenty, and it sure was an interesting list of books:
  1. Siddhartha: Hermen Hesse
  2. Makers of Modern India: Ramchandra Guha
  3. How Google Works: Eric Schmidt
  4. A Passage to India: E M Forester
  5. Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: Deepak Chopra
  6. Mindset: Carol Dweck
  7. Toward a Psychology of Being: Maslow
  8. Oneness with All Life: Ekhart Tolle
  9. A New Earth: Ekhart Tolle
  10. I can see Clearly Now: Wayne Dyer
  11. The Search: Osho
  12. Learning to Silence the Mind: Osho
  13. Its All About Change:Osho
  14. Collected Works of Rudyard Kipling
  15. A Brief History of Time, from Big Bang to Black Holes: Stephen Hawking
  16. Fooled by Randomness: Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  17. The Virtue of Selfishness: Ayn Rand
  18. Fountain Head: Ayn Rand
  19. Future Shock: Alvin Toffler
  20. Alchemist: Paulo Coelho
  21. Adultery: Paulo Coelho
  22. Thinking, Fast and Slow: Kahneman Daniel
I was naturally super excited. And while I'd read a few, more than a few I hadn't, and I was itching to get started.

Back from office, I worked at shifting them from mail onto the Kindle, and there I hit my roadblock. I downloaded all, shifted all, but nothing on the Kindle. Third try, I could see them in the Kindle when plugged into the laptop, but open the Kindle, and nothing there. I spent an hour trying, but no luck.

This morning, I figured how a small error ( small, once you know what) was causing the issue. The books were in the Kindle, but in root drive and not the library, so not visible. Showed how a basic error could almost become deal breaker, until you figure your way around. Lesson there.

It's a brilliant feel....great texture and look. Sure, it will take getting used to, but once you've set your mind to overlook the obvious shift from paperback, and focus on the looks like a super promising ride.

I've started with 'Fooled by Randomness' by Taleb. The line that caught my attention...'I am convinced after spending almost all my adult and professional years in a fierce fight between my brain (not fooled by randomness) and my emotions (completely fooled by randomness) in which the only success I've had is in going around my emotions rather than rationalizing them'. The preface and reviews sounded high on irreverence and insight, so reading on.

Glad to have the Kindle, and thanks Kiran, for that great start....I know it took effort and time....I'll make it worth it's while :)

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