Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Feel Good Day

I must have gone to sleep with some kind of an eruption of energy, because I found myself up at 2.30 in the morning, and so wide awake that I got up and did some writing reading stuff

And then, early in the morning....I get this message on my phone

"Hey GM...I was talking to someone last evening and they asked me who was the best manager you worked with at Google, and I took your name without thinking twice "

And it naturally made me feel so so good. Thanks there Annapurna, not just for feeling that way, but for actually pinging me on it. Speaks volumes for you girl.

And it didn't end with that. Yes, retaining bragging rights here....

Yesterday I'd received this scary letter from the Tax department, and this morning I was desperately searching old files to find my tax filing papers ( I'm awfully disorganized on anything investments, banking, tax and the like, so I was searching with fingers crossed and heart in mouth) and I find this letter, and it was an actual physical, paper, handwritten letter.

At this point even the tax papers receded from mind...I was just feeling so nice and so validated. 

Smitha Moganty ( yes, she's smitha too), must say thanks, firstly for doing it in paper and pen, guess the feel and connect for what we grew up with just stays ....and also for picking out the 'trust factor'. With time, I've only realized even more how critical that is to enabling and empowering, and this is great reiteration.

And why I write, is to say how.........if it's true that when you are in low space, all kinds of troubles will piggy back....it's equally true that when you're in good space,  nice things piggy back too.

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