Saturday, July 18, 2015

What you Can't Take...You Can't Give

Exploring a thought:

In order to give, you need to be able to take
In order to take, you need to be able to give

Simple enough? Like the what goes around, comes around?

This is one place I think balance makes for beautiful. And any imbalance is that much cause for discord, dissonance, conflict and such

Let's delve a little deeper.

What is to give? Give, and give what the other wants, as that is to give
What is to take? Take, take what you want, long as its what the other wants to give 

A balance there is what would be, harmony. 

To be able to give need to be able to take joy
To be able to give need to be able to take love

A nice aspirational space to be....I'm surely going to try 

1 comment:

  1. Most of us believe and are conditioned to be giver. Self protection. At what cost?
    Probably loose out on joy of getting what one desires.
    Indirectly leads to various negativity.
    In our quest to give joy to loved ones,we land up depriving them if it.
