Friday, July 24, 2015

How to Optimize Influence

A really fascinating write up on how multiple influences are 10x more effective in changing behavior patterns, than any one single source of influence, however efficient or powerful. The success rate is apparently a shift from 4% to 40% when four or more means of influence are used simultaneously.


This particular study talks of sources of influence, from the personal, social and structural perspectives. It talks of how our most serious problems are rooted in human behavior and how multiple sources of influence are required to create any kind of significant impact.

A short synopsis of the six sources of influence they talk about:

Personal  Motivation: Link to mission and values - They say you cannot motivate people to do what they are not motivated to do. So no level of external motivation can be as influencing as enabling a real motivation, by linking it to deeply held values. Carrots and sticks by themselves have limited reach; more powerful is to put meaning to the action.

Personal Ability: Over Invest in Skill Building - Its not all about motivation. It's also about taking the trouble to find out if there is the ability. That is somehow presumed. Elite performers aren't necessarily faster or smarter, they are though better trained. 

Social Motivation: Harness Peer Pressure - Apparently, whether people acknowledge it or not, there are few motivators as potent as the approval or disapproval of friends and coworkers.

Social Ability: Create Social Support - Identify not just the formal leaders but the opinion leaders and use these as intervention points. 

Structural Motivation:Align Rewards and Ensure Accountability - External rewards need to be real and valuable, and should be used as reinforcement to the personal and social sources of influence.

Structural Ability:Change the environment - A key to changing an organizations mental agenda was to change the data or information that flows down the hierarchy, make it more relevant and aligned to objectives.

Apparently, in organizations or at a personal level where behavioral changes are warranted, most think tanks come up with what they believe will be the best source of influence. Research has clearly shown that its not about which one, but about how many.

If this interests you and you want to read the whole article, which is really long, here it is How to 10x your Influence


  1. A key want of people is to change the other person. So the path as set out here is to kick start it by identifying the key influences that is core to the person and work on them.
    Daunting task, I would think.But if the results are to be achieved then why not.
    This is better than the cliched sayings
    "Be the change you seek"
    " it is easy to change self rather than expecting others to change"

  2. Hmmm...this ones tough to react to :)
    On optimize influence, yes, it's about figuring out all factors that the other would connect to, but to enable motivation and not force change. We're agree on that, right?
    And the ones you called cliched....I have a slightly different take:. 'Be the change' does not mean you change to fit anothers requirements...far from it.... I'd say it means live by your value systems, your ideals...don't let others stop you doing it.
    And the change could be anything, internal, in terms of approach, attitude....external, in terms of situation, place, circumstance ......... whichever works to enable you to be you.

  3. Exactly. But it is used so much so that I feel many give in instead of standing by own values.
