Friday, July 3, 2015

A Kite Rescue

Dhruva was on his way to work, in an auto, when he saw this injured kite fall on the road, and a policeman stop all traffic to pick it up and put it aside. He went onto office, but it continued to work on his mind. He decided to walk back and check, and in a while he found the kite lying on the footpath, like a piece of paper, wings torn and totally hurt.

I don’t know how he did it, but he actually picked it up and took it back to office. Apparently it was too hurt to attack. He called PFA and they said they could come by only in the evening. So per their advice, he went and bought a box and put it in for rest of the day. 

With help from a colleague they give it some water, and dhruva was in for a surprise when he was trying to clean its nose and it actually bit him, but luckily it got only his hanky. And he says, he was so happy to see it was already getting stronger with the water. He looked after it rest of the day, and evening PFA did come and pick it up.

A kudos sent dhruva’s way for the thought and the effort . Thoughts, Feelings and Actions aligned. Keep it going Dhruva !!


  1. Values beliefs genes

    Mahendra family.

    The generations move in

  2. Such a thoughtful act. This will always leave a sense of fulfillment and future of nature is safe in such kind hands.

  3. Girija and md , thanks for those nice words; touched a chord deep within. I'll be sure to pass them on to Dhruva.

  4. You can take all the credit for instilling these values and giving them their values that help prioritise well
