Monday, July 20, 2015

An Year in Bangalore

And, what an year it's been.


This is an exercise I normally do when I'm at the end of a diary, like a recap into the diary period in terms of experiences, phases, perspectives, insights, lessons....... It's an interesting thing to do.

I'm doing it now for an year in Bangalore, and it's so flush with new experiences and learnings, that what comes to mind foremost is primarily that deep gratitude to everything and everyone that enabled that.

It's been a lot of firsts.....and firsts definitely bring in their wake a lot of tough and trying times....and then also new highs and joys 

Starting from driving down to Bangalore .... last year same day...just Diksha and me. My lesson started right there. I'm asking this friend to drive down with me, saying I wouldn't be allowed to do it alone, and what I get back in return is...."where did the word 'allowed' come from". And that was the beginning of a deep layer of de conditioning. I threw the word out that day, and have never since let it back in. Thanks there pal.

Finding the bestest house possible, and this was where it was again putting to practice a lesson learnt. Once the objective is clear, focus on the process. After two weeks of looking at more than fifteen houses, I was upset and depressed wondering how I was going to find the right place. And I woke up the next morning to put in place the right process. Sat on a borrowed laptop for an hour, listed out 16 brokers, hired a car for the day, and set out at 9 am with a list of almost 50 houses, and at about 4 pm I'd found it...the bestest possible house :)

SELCO has of course been one amazing experience, which I have been writing about fairly consistently. Even yesterday, I walked out of office after a wonderfully satisfying day, fully energized and ready to take on what today seems near impossible. (A target of 45 energy entrepreneurs by end of year, and six months down I've done only 5). Gratitude there to SELCO and all those I work with.

Travel has been crazy extensive,  what with trips to Mandya, Jaipur, Goa, not once but twice, Pune, Bijapur, Belgaum, Udipi, Coorg and finally Bihar.... between work and personal, it's been at one time unnerving and thrilling. 

At a little more abstract level, the biggest thing I guess, was learning to live alone, which started with questions, skepticism, fear and slowly grew to appreciation, joy, love and again deep gratitude. Diksha moving in with me was real bonus, because we've cracked space and acceptance and bonding at an altogether different level. Coorg on the road, or home at Bangalore....great ride Deech.

And cooking, I did my own cooking for the first ever time in life, never liked it enough to do it on daily basis.......but with music and a glass of wine, found it's not that bad (well mostly).

Music and Reading have re entered life in a big way, and am I glad. 

It's not to say, it's all been ups and joyous. I've had some crazy down moments, those moments of intense loneliness that hit you without warning, times when I've broken down at a traffic signal because I had so many things to do and this feeling of having to do it all alone overwhelming me....and I guess that's the space that posts like 'self-pity' 'handling stress' 'we are our own biggest obstacles'  came out of. Huge learnings there. 

And one right on top would be this blog itself. I'm so so so grateful to this friend for having pushed me to write about my first SELCO trip to Mandya, as thus started this wonderful journey of blogging,......of expression, articulation and growth.  It's almost like my Hobbes :)

Also to all my friends who've just been there for me. Girija, who is always just that call away and so encouraging of all that I do. Vishakha with who I have at least two calls a day......a sync that's so perfect that we wonder why other equations can't be like that. Sujatha, who I've gotten to meet so many times since moving here. Luckily, the list is kind of longer, but I'll suffice a heartfelt thanks to all the others on my what's app mode. You guys know, right!

Oh yeah, and my blog readers...especially Mountain Dweller who's been there since the beginning but remained this brilliant mystery. I love how you think....and one day I'd like to know who you are...the mystery is nice and all, but still :)

And Vineyard Grapes and Mars for not just reading, but keeping those comments coming. And of course the others too...Eunice, Kusuma, Kiran, Annapurna, Sagari, Pavithra,Nakul, and all those I don't know. 

And Family ....... Parents, Praveen, Others....Ravi, Dhruva...Diksha. Especially, my Parents...... leaving Hyderabad, with them there, was one of the most heart wrenching things I've done, I think for them and for me

I know this sounds like a vote of thanks....but guess it's in a way what it expression of deep gratitude.

Bottomline....... I wouldn't change a single facet of where I am today. Huge risks...Huge gains worked for me :)


  1. A journey intense and passionate
    A journey last port of call
    A journey into.Infinite mystery
    S journey of living the underwent dreams.

  2. Nice to see the rhythmic mode back. :)
    Thanks girija.....I guess it has been, or rather is, all of that. I love the no last port of call bit

  3. I have read blogs,biography,,auto biography,real stories,ramblings. But your blog is a daily account of experiences, knowledge, pains, gains, explorations, analysis, thought proceedings , simple small joys, large questions, reasons for life, complicated theory, lots of Google and SELCO and finally friendship , your anchor.

    Thus , this post is the balance sheet for a year.
    Did it Tally?

    I would say✩✩✩✩✩
    5 star rating.

  4. wow.....I don't think I could have listed out keywords on the blog as well as you have.....thanks so much...... and of course for the rating ;). Sure feels good !

  5. yes smitha , a year back when u diks left hyd. ,me n mahi were so anxious n confused at the turn of ur life , but u faced the situation very bravely ,full marks to diksha for standing by u thruout ! U r a very strong lady .thats the right decision taken at right time whitch made things fall in line smoothly . My thanks to all ur friends for their support .wish u all , all the best. Mum

  6. At the outset, thank you... and hats off for the overwhelming feeling of gratitude that you feel.... what makes me compliment you on that, is the fact that you haven't given yourself any credit for surmounting all the obstacles and overcoming all the naysayers.. what Sukruta akkaiah says is so true.. you have proved to be one helluva strong person! @Girija.. nice poetry there!! I will stick to the prose.. :)

  7. Gosh, I'm now getting overwhelmed. Ma, your words actually brought in person :)

  8. Vishakha, I love how you give me so much credit, be it when dhruva rescues a kite....or in here....true friend for sure. Thanks for being there. This is getting little too senti na :)

  9. You asked for it sweetheart.
    Aunty,I see the gene from where Smitha has got the ability to say the right stuff,at the right time, in the right way.
    Hats off to you and Uncle for standing with her shoulder to shoulder, despite your own confusion and giving her so much strength instead of pulling her down. This is for you as her parents

    She was bought forth
    As your choice and not hers.
    She was hand held
    As your choice and not hers
    She was moulded
    As your choice and not hers
    She was taught to think
    As her choice and not yours
    She was allowed to love
    As her choice and not yours
    She lived life
    As her choice and not yours
    So well did you hold hand
    so well did you mould
    so well did you let go
    She is what she is today.
    A daughter,a mother,a friend
    Last but not the least
    A human that all us love
    And dream to be.

    Thank you aunty and Uncle.

  10. @vishaka,thanks.◎

  11. Girija, what can I say ......that's just so so beautifully said. You've outdone yourself this time's got great flow, and content and depth.....and needless to say, touched deep within. Feel a hug. Thanks

  12. You are always so self motivated and that's very inspiring. I've learnt so much from you this past year (wouldn't have happened if you hadn't moved to Bangalore) and I can't be more happy that you started to blog :)

    P.S Though I do not comment often, you should know I'm a regular reader ;)

  13. Eunice....You say such sweet stuff...thanks sweetie. And I enjoy our ganesh mess times as much too :).
    There's a deep niceness and honesty within you...keep that going!

  14. Oh! Is it an year already?
    I know n have seen d dilemma u were
    in before shifting to B'lore but i
    appreciate and admire u for knowing
    what u wanted and pursuing to achieve it.
    There after never looking back. I m glad
    u found your paths n r
    one admirable buddy.

  15. Thanks Sujatha......Glad to have you alongside through that journey...sometimes near, sometimes far. Just realized, our equation goes back the farthest in my list, right from playing lagori, bluff or color color through school :)
