Saturday, January 16, 2016

Nurture enables Bloom

You'd think it's obvious, but each time you see it, it doesn't seize to amaze.

Bangalore's had a prolonged rainy season, June through November, so I haven't needed to water the garden in months. Some occasional weeding and pruning and cleaning was all it had taken. Six whole months, so can't blame me for getting out of habit and a wee bit complacent there. 

Through December, I'd check in, see the plants all looking green and nice..... so convinced myself there was enough moisture and they were all fine. Even my water hose had cracked up for lack of use.

Last week I started watering.....been just a few days..... and was so struck by how the green turned to color.

Survival and Existence, I guess will mostly happen......but nurture....and you see blossoms and bloom :)

1 comment:

  1. All life blooms if nutured and survives if ignored and withers away if neglected.
