Thursday, January 21, 2016

Getting Ahead vs. Doing Well

Another one from Seth

I was at a fancy event the other day, and it was held in three different rooms. All of these fancy folks were there, in fancy outfits, etc. More than once, I heard people ask, "is this room the best room?" It wasn't enough that the event was fancy. It mattered that the room assigned was the fanciest one.

After a company in Seattle famously raised its lowest salary tier to $70,000, two people (who got paid more than most of the other workers) quit, because they felt it wasn't fair that people who weren't as productive as they were, were going to get a raise.

They quit a good job, a job they liked, because other people got a raise.

This is our culture of 'getting ahead' talking.

This is the thinking that, "First class isn't better because of the seats, it's better because it's not coach." (Several airlines have tried to launch all-first-class seating, and all of them have stumbled.)

Class rank. The most expensive car. A 'better' neighborhood. A faster marathon. More online followers. A bigger pool...

There are two challenges here. The first is that in a connection economy, the idea that others need to be in coach for you to be in first doesn't scale very well. When we share an idea or an experience, we both have it, it doesn't diminish the value, it increases it.

Life is more fun when you don't compare. It's possible to create dignity and be successful at the same time. (In fact, that might be the only way to be truly successful.)

This is one that I completely completely agree with. I hear a lot of folks say, 'whatever you do, get to the best in'. Always about competition. I've heard friends of mine tell their children this.  And I've always wondered why.

Why can't my objective be just what I want.... 'my best'. Peer pressure goes against it. It almost borders on funny....peer pressure forces you to compete. Ironical, huh? 

Find yourself. Know yourself. Focus on yourself. It's not just a path to being happy or successful, but is also the most unselfish thing you can do. It's the space where you will likely be your best.....contribute your highest......give the most.

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