Tuesday, April 18, 2017

An Old Attachment

The day I moved into our new house in Hyderabad, I noticed that the peepal tree next to the house was almost bare of leaves. In fact on the branch towards the left, I could actually count just three leaves, right on top. It looked so interesting, that I took a picture.

And I called it 'an old attachment' because I am actually quite attached to the tree, to the extent that I took a leaf from the tree with me, all the way to Bangalore, kept it safe all of three years, and even brought it back with me :)

And I guess I'm a little extra prone to symbolization, so I was wondering whether is was a foreboding of endings .......or beginnings.......just some random thoughts that drifted in and out of the mind.

That was on the 10th of April. And today, in exactly seven days, it looks like this

So beautiful to witness the change.......to know and accept the cyclical nature of life, through barrenness and through bloom....to be aware that as the leaves have their seasons, the roots just go deeper each day. After all, isn't nature our best teacher....aren't we part of the same nature too.

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