Friday, October 4, 2019


It's a wonderful term...a wonderful concept

One that was coined by Carl Jung to express "an acausal connection between two or more psychic and physical phenomena"

Simply put, they are the 'unexplainable yet significant co-incidences'

While coined by him over fifty years ago, it is now being made popular by the likes of Deepak Chopra, Sadguru, Wayne Dyer and..that ends my list.

We have all experienced it at some time or the other, those strange occurrences that happen together, you're thinking of a song and you hear it somewhere, the phone rings and you just know who's calling, you're thinking of an issue and something or someone gives you direction......that list is endless.

We call them coincidences.

Carl Jung said of it as "a meaningful coincidence where something other than the probability of chance is involved"

They are more than chance. They are 'meaningful and purposeful'. A pattern of connection not explained by causality.

While Carl Jung spoke about what it was, how it happened.......and he used the connect between the 'individual consciousness and the collective consciousness' to talk about it in psychology,  Deepak Chopra and Sadguru are taking it to the next level......they talk of how it is not about 'how it happens' or 'when it happens' but how we can 'make it happen'. 

A shift from psychology to spirituality in terms of approach.

It's akin to sharpening your radar, very similar to tuning a radio antennae. The universe is not just alive and is intelligence itself. 

The more you tune in.....the more your body mind and spirit align.... the more you vibrate at your optimum frequency ......... the more you'll start to see synchronicity manifest in your lives.

"If you gain a little mastery over your mind, body, and life energies, you can become the master of your destiny" - Sadhguru

A quote that came in this morning's inbox...after I'd started writing this post. A full on live instance of synchronicity if you will :)

Another all time favourite quote of mine, from Jung, saying the same thing:

"Until you make the subconscious conscious, it will drive you and you will call it fate" - Carl Jung

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