Monday, October 28, 2019

From that day of nostalgia

Who'd think going through old files can ever be so exciting.

But then, when it becomes trigger to a repertoire of wonderful memories, it sure can.

Especially when the children are now young adults, each on their own trip, stuff from their journey in school comes like a whiff of that something special ..... evoking emotions of tenderness, nostalgia, pride, joy....... it's like pulling stuff out of a magicians hat (read as files here :).

Sounds exaggerated?!? was an exaggerated experience, the kind I simply love :)

And I think it evoked  that deep sense of gratitude to the school too.

This was year 2002...DPS had just come to Hyd and had only till class III. We'd just moved from Bangalore, and Dhruva was in class III.

Dhruva was chosen first head boy of the school.

The speech on the school inauguration, likely one that got him the position of the head boy.

I recall his shock when soon after admission the principal asked him to give a speech on the inaugural day...... and when he said 'what should I talk about?', She said "tell us what you would like from your school....what you'd like from your teachers"

And I remember this line from his speech "I'd like the teachers to be kind".  And even today what he said in another discussion "what humans are capable of is empathy, but look at what we're doing as a race" (he has extremely strong opinions on climate change and environmental issues)

His first sports day as Head Boy

Another speech

Off that fairly nice stack of certificates, this one caught my attention.

Who would have thought they had a certificate 'for reading maximum number of library books' . I was even more amazed as I thought I had done all the buying of books, and to think he'd used the library that much :)

A random picture....just found his expression real cute (first in that queue)

This was again total surprise. A newsletter, with a story from Diksha (written by her in class I ) . And what's more, the same sheet had a little write up from me too, neither of which I remembered.

Diksha's story is so cute, I had to put it in separately :)

What's more...I straight off send her a picture of the story,

and I receive "wish my grammar had been better then, even if I was six"
I'm like "I thought that was good on grammar, in fact I don't think there's an error"
And I get back "lol...that's why you need an editor"

Diksha, likely in IV, compering a program

This picture I put in to also capture background. DPS was then the only building there, surrounded by hills and paddy fields....... nice and inspiring. They even had horse riding back then. (That's Dhruva to the extreme right holding the school flag). Well yes, bragging rights retained :)

What a lovely journey...... through the years......and through those files :)

1 comment:

  1. Now I know why Dhruva is so inclined towards movies. Being patted by Chiranjeevi might have passed on the movie energy bug. 😁
