Sunday, October 9, 2016

On Navarathri...

On festivals, what's app can get flooded with greetings...and from that flood there was this one which I was particularly happy to see.

Especially so, as it came from a friend who till so recently thought she needed to have her husband choose what she wears, as she didn't trust her own choice.

"And then the princess found herself locked in a tower surrounded by a stinky moat with crocodiles and a huge scary dragon guarding the door," read the mother, with her eyes wide and voice deep. Then, she made a sad face and continued softly, "So, the poor princess waited and waited for her prince to come--"

"But, why was she waiting for the prince, mumma?!" asked the little girl, impatiently.

The mother added, "To come and save her, silly."
"But, mumma, why did she need a prince to save her?" the girl asked again.

"Uhh... hmm..." the mother was at a loss of words.

The little girl said proudly, "If it were me, instead of waiting for years and years for a prince, I would have tamed the dragon and flew out of the window. I would have rescued myself."

She discarded the book and walked away, "This princess is stupid."

Image result for fairy tales telling mother children

The mother whispered with a broad smile, "I guess it is time to rewrite the fairy tales."

After all it's a festival of the goddess....great time to connect into the feminine energy..... Happy Navrathri !!


  1. This is the one I had commented on while i was on holiday. I would love to rewrite a few fairy tales.. probably the 'bucket list'.. And I was just thinking. . What were the stories we were brought up on?

  2. Interesting thought for sure. Offering my help with that item on the bucket list :)
