Saturday, October 8, 2016

Hey Mountain Dweller

At times, it takes just that one fleeting moment of clarity and honesty to see, and connect into stuff that matters....

I was half way through writing a post on self awareness, and I recalled I might have done a similar one.... on emotional intelligence a long while ago....... and when I found it, more than the post, what caught my attention was the comments. It had an interesting exchange with Mountain Dweller....... and it enabled some smilingly poignant moments.

Mountain Dweller was an interesting part of my initial blogging days...a pervasive mysterious presence with his (her) intelligent, incisive, sensitive, and at times cheeky comments. I'd hoped to one day know who. I still do.....

Anyways, this gave me occasion, especially so on a milestone (six hundred posts :), to pause and acknowledge the 'comments'.......... they do add a feel good factor. So, to all folks who've done that every once in a while....girija, vishakha, kusuma, kiran, ajit, sujatha, annapurna, eunice, rams, vineyard grapes, ajit, usha, swaroop, nakul and ma......your comments made a difference. It matters that you've been part of a very cherished journey..... thanks from the heart.

And to Mountain Dweller for evoking this :)


  1. It's a small return gift from us,to comment ,to share,to counter, to participate with you in this journey of words that has opened so many layers of thoughts in my mind and hopes in my heart. Saalam my dear friend. Hope you catch your mountain Dweller one day.

  2. Whew! Am I glad I commented occasionally! ;) Would have felt so left out! Lol... 600 posts! That's amazing. Just didn't realise how time has flown by!

  3. Girija, thanks for the lovely things you've said. And those 'layers and hopes'....nice to hear :)

  4. Vish,'s been one helluva journey for sure :)
