Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I got tested out....

This was an interesting learning experience. This morning.... at the park.... and again.....the 'elderly and respectable' man was there......and what's more he was even armed with his wife this time, and both were plucking flowers, and they each had a cover.

Trust me, if it wasn't for the post 'A thought from my walk', of day before, I would have walked past.......with the usual excuse of 'why is it my business', or maybe just 'fear of humiliation', or 'plain apathy', whatever.....I would not have stopped.

The thought this time was....'Walk the Talk' ( pun intended)

So, I did.....actually did the whole drill in my head first...with love and respect, and a lot of tentativeness....all that in tow, I told them. At first the wife was up for battle, but the gentleman connected with the gentleness....and the job was done.

I gave myself a pat on the back. And also a mental whack, because I so nearly didn't do it.

My biggest take away was how, when you articulate something, you give it energy. Then you put it out there, either by speaking about it, or writing about it.....and you give it more energy. And that propels action.

I feel that little notch a better person. :)

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