Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Cat Rescue

Diksha's commitment and perseverance when it comes to animals doesn't cease to amaze me.

This cat was stuck on a third floor vent for over two days. I'd called the security guys, but they said they couldn't do anything as it was too high and had no access. Some others in the apartment tried getting him down, and had given up. 

When Diksha saw him stuck (which was on day two, as she wasn't home on day one), she just didn't give up. Two hours I saw her just sitting there on the ground floor and looking up....... and I'm like, 'how do you think you're helping', and she's like, 'I can't just leave him there ma, he'll die'.  I gave her all the moral support I could, and all the ideas I could, (all of which had already been tried out) and left.

By lunch I get a message from her saying the cat was down :)


  1. very good . glad to here. But how did she do that mam?

  2. Hey Kusuma, so, you see that contraption that she's holding with a bag attached in the end....she tried coaxing him into it for a long while, put food into it too, but the cat wouldn't get in. Then she got some guys at the gate to come and help, and they apparently prodded with a stick and she spoke soothingly and between them they got him into the bag. That's the story :)

  3. And I must add, Diksha somewhere in between, came up with 'we should call the fire brigade' ( that must come as default from a child hood Tom and Jerry space) I told her the story of when I went to file an FIR for our lost dog.... the Inspector said 'Madam, yahan murder cases keliye time nahi hai, aap ka kutha doondenge?"( we have no time for murder cases, you want us to look for your dog?"). That closed the fire brigade hope and brought all responsibility back to her :)
