Friday, April 8, 2016

Responsibility = Ability to Respond

Ask and you shall Receive 

Got proved yet again today. 

A couple days back a friends post had me thinking about 'Responsibility'. It was about the paradoxical concept of how 'Taking Responsibility grows Freedom'.

It completely resonated, not as paradox, but as a given.

Yet it had left questions in my mind on where the boundaries for this responsibility were, and how they overlap.

And right this evening, at the Isha Yoga course, this was the concept discussed. 

Responsibility s.t.r.e.t.c.h.e.d. Responsibility as equated to 'Ability to Respond'. It's what  you could (should) 'Feel' for everything. Like something you wear as an attitude.

Responsibility does not mean holding responsible or putting blame basically means you care. And it does not mean you need to act and do for everything. Actionability has several dependencies.... situation, access, time, distance, capability, tools......and such.

Can you just 'feel'.

'Responsibility is what you are using to draw boundaries. Limited responsibility is the source of all evil on this planet. Why do we restrict our feeling of responsibility to just ourselves and our people....people who are attached to us. Excesses of any kind comes out of this. Why limit it.... you are restricting and suffocating yourself by limiting it.

If you want to be an unlimited human being, those boundaries will need to break.

You don't have unlimited capability. The action can get limited by capability, but the living needs to be in unlimited responsibility.

The sense of belonging and ease and joy you feel for the walls of your home, they come because you limit your responsibility within. If you can feel that outside the walls as well it would break down a lot of the boundaries. Can you not help the whole atmosphere by just taking responsibility and feeling at home anywhere. A joyless face is the worst crime on the planet. Can you create happiness wherever you are by just being joyous.'

In fact, he goes to the extent of saying that if you can drop these barriers and stretch that responsibility, people around you will become worshipful of you, it will unknowingly happen. He says that's what people like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mahavira did. Just took responsibility for everything.

"And this is what enables total Freedom.....and Freedom is the highest goal "


  1. Care makes more sense for this context. Ability to response or responsible ... just doesn't sound right ...

    Is there another word for it? Or what exactly is being discussed ... perhaps consciousness being unlimited, which is our very true nature hence the responsibility that we should be taking should also be unlimited? (I.e. Not being limited to just family, friends or community that our ego identify ourselves with)
